Working with hundreds of executive leaders over many decades, I've yet to find anything that accelerates a leader‘s success like a trusted productivity system.
Most of us build our own productivity and system with bailing wire and scotch tape, adding and deleting ideas and tools over the years ... but rarely taking enough time to build a trusted system to manage all of the inputs that flood our inbox every day and call to our attention those important things that need to get done.
The 5 Tools I Can’t Live Without
In the modern age of the personal computer, there are thousands of tools that promise a solution, but most of them are bits and pieces that few leaders have the time to organize into a cohesive workspace that is leakproof.
In the 5 Tools I Can't Live Without course, I am going to share with you the tools that give me the greatest control over the tsunami of inputs, projects and tasks that e at m e every day. You will receive a compressive outline of the features and advantages of these tools along with some screenshots, and sometimes a video, to illustrate some of the most powerful features.